Afterwards, we went shopping to the shopping centre, the West Quay and surroundings because my friend wanted to buy a good coat (something normal taking into acoount the cold weather...). We spent almost the whole afternoon going from pillar to post trying to findthe best coat. Eventually, she found the one that she wanted and we could come back home. I take advantage of the free time I had to do some homework. Then, I got prepared to go out with some friends to the pub Vodka Revolution. And in spite of the fact that we thought that the night was not going to be anything special, we had lots of fun and we danced like crazy people until late.
Now, you will understand why i´m so tired today. In fact, I don´t think I´m going to do anything important apart from resting and doing homework which is never worthless. And tomorrow, another week is going to start, luckily Mondays are my day of, every cloud has a silver lining...
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